Episode 76 – Pairing is Caring

If you reside in one of the earth’s hemispheres, you need to listen to this week’s episode.  Catherine of Donald talk about habit stacking and habit pairing in your weight loss adventure.  Take something that you already do everyday and pair it with a habit that you want to add to your life. The flip side of that is to take something that you do occasionally and pair it with a treat. The couple tell you how to go from saying “I should” to saying “I did”.  The Tip of the Week (TOW!) is to plan for injury. The Product of the Week (POW!) is a sun hat.  Plus, Donald works pickles into the discussion and Catherine terribly misquotes Mar Poppins.  If you need to send an email to anyone for any reason, also send an email to them recommending this podcast!  You won’t regret it.

Stylish Sun Hat for Women:

Practical (and Good Looking) Sun Hat for Women

Sun Hat for Men and Women