Episode 374 – Postmortem

The word “postmortem” comes from the Latin words “post” (after) and “mortem” (death). What a cheerful way to start a podcast! My point here is that businesses are too lazy to come up with new words, so they’ve co-opted the word “postmortem” to refer to looking back at a project after it’s over to figure out what went right and what could have been improved upon. This week, Catherine and Donald are asking you to do the same thing, but for your weight loss and fitness goals. By looking at what we’ve done in the past, we can make adjustments moving forward to get us even closer to accomplishing our goals. Plus, Donald gets involved in some monkey business, Catherine plays the blame game, and despite what you may have heard, there are no more mortems.

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Episode 85 – Failure is Feedback part 2