Episode 17 – Late Night Pickles

In this ramdazzeleydo episode you learn what “ramdazzeleydo” means.  Sort of.  Catherine and Donald do a check in and discuss how it’s going.  They talk about how changes in schedule …

Episode 16 – Secret Eating

This week’s topic is a secret, so we can’t tell you what it is.  Wait, that’s not right.  This week’s topic isn’t a secret, it is, in fact, secret eating.  …

Episode 15 – Kate 2: Judgement Day

Because you demanded it, it’s Kate 2: Judgement Day.  You can’t stop her.  You can’t reason with her.  She makes sustainable life changes that will lead to weight loss success.  …

Episode 14 – Dumpster Fire

Treat Gauntlets!  Oscar Parties!  Crepe Trucks! Oh my!  Preparing yourself for the unexpected is an important part of the weight loss adventure.  Life often throws us curve balls in shape …