Episode 41 – Winter is Coming

In the world’s first known “Game of Thrones”/Aesop’s Fables mashup, Catherine and Donald remind you that winter is coming.  Sometimes winter is a season between fall and spring, and other …

Episode 40 – Ten Percent Pretty

Someone, somewhere, probably said, “Never trust a pretty face; especially not your own”.  In this episode, Catherine and Donald discuss being an unreliable narrator in our own weight loss stories.  …

Episode 37 – The Motivation Bus

Have you ever said, “I can’t lose weight because I’m just not motivated?”.  Catherine and Donald sure have, but in this episode, they reveal that motivation is a fallacy in …

Episode 36 – Planned Obsolescence

When you fail to plan your obsolescence you plan to be obsolete.  Okay, that makes no sense, but I promise that this podcast will make everything clear.  In an episode …

Episode 33 – 365 Surprises

As the song from the musical that we never saw reminds us, there are 525,600 minutes in a year.  Surprise!  During our weight loss adventures, we often use things like …