Episode 117 – Doctor! Doctor!

We present another episode recorded before we were all staying at home.  Have you ever said, “Well, you know me. I’m either all into my diet or I’m all out.”?  …

Episode 116 – Lucky Charms

We Only Look Thin presents the episode that was supposed to come out just before St. Patrick’s Day.  So, let’s all agree to pretend everything is normal and that it’s …

Episode 115 – House Arrest

In this unprecedented time in modern history, Catherine and Donald discuss how to stay on track while being stuck at home.  The couple point that this could actually be an …

Episode 114 – WOLT Interrupted

With a Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic going on,  instead of our normal zany, slide-whistle filled episode, we decided to post a recording of a Facebook Live that Catherine conducted on Sunday, March …

Episode 113 – From Zero to Zumba

We Only Look Thin presents you with a romantic fitness comedy.  If you’re like most people, you might assume that fitness instructors are born fit, or even more likely, created …

Episode 112 – Manic Panic

It might be spiders, heights, grizzly bears, or socks with sandals, but chances are we’re all afraid of something.  When it comes to fitness, we can all relate to the …

Episode 110 – Graze Anatomy

Few things can derail the fitness train faster than a bad cold or the flu.  Chances are, somewhere during your fitness journey, you’re going to get sick, and getting sick …

Episode 109 – Life Support

It seems like a no-brainer that the people who love you the most would be the most supportive when you decide to make a big change in your approach to …

Episode 108 – Pyramid Scheme

This week, a couple of squares talk about pyramids.  You’ve probably heard of or even studied Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which is usually represented by a pyramid with basic human …